

Our competency lies in manufacturing an optimum quality ambit of PCC Poles. The low maintenance, competitive price, and aesthetic appearance of precast concrete poles make them superior to steel or wood for use in utility, sports lighting, communication, and area lighting applications. Ease and speed of installation mean faster project completion and lower installed cost. Also, the use of concrete poles preserves our forests, requires no chemical treatment, and utilizes environmentally safe materials in production and placement.

PCC poles are essentially made of concrete which is inevitably less costly and more economically maintainable than the conventional steel poles. They are of two types depending upon the end-use of the pole-Low tensile and High Tensile Line. The latter is primarily used for transmission of electricity.

Manufacturing Process

Pre stress Cement Concrete Poles are essentially made of concrete. The high tensile wire is inserted into the pre-designed moulds and stretched to reach a certain tension. Galvanized wire is fixed inside the mould for earthing following which a right proportion of concrete mix is poured. Then, the concrete is compacted through vibration to produce high strength concrete poles.After 72 hours, the tension is released and demoulding done. The poles are put under a water sprinkler system for a period of 28 days. (Concrete cubes are tested to ascertain the strength before they are offered for inspection).

Key Raw Materials :

  • Cement
  • High Tensile Wire
  • Galvanized Iron Wire
  • Stone Aggregate
  • Fine Aggregate

About US Being a foremost company in the national market, Agroha Electro are engaged in providing a qualitative range of products

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104/12, Vijay Path Madhyam marg, Mansarovar, Jaipur – 302020
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+91-9414027025, +91-9509733533

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